
Big News from the Lois Roth Foundation!

In celebration of our 35th anniversary this year, we have some exciting announcements to share with you!

First and foremost, we are now becoming the LOIS ROTH FOUNDATION—find us at Over the years, we have supported many grants, awards, lectures and fellowships in collaboration with universities, embassies and other cultural institutions in the United States and around the world. We are grateful for your steadfast support, which will allow our work to continue for many years to come!

We are also very excited to announce our new look and the launch of our new website, which capture the forward-looking, positive tone of our work—recalling Lois Roth as she was in life. Our thanks go to our volunteer Board Members, Alex Fraioli at Bright Spot Creative and Alex McLarty at Just Peachy Web Design for their hard work and dedication to this project!

Our new, user-centric website reflects the cumulative impact of our 35 years, streamlines access to resources and reaffirms our commitment to fostering international dialogue. With these goals in mind, we have

  • improved compatibility with all browsers and mobile devices,
  • enhanced visual elements to more clearly convey our values,
  • reorganized content to better present our work,
  • made it easier to look up our amazing past awardees, and
  • recategorized programs to access them with fewer click

And our news blog now appears at the bottom of the homepage—so, when you visit our website, check out the latest news!

Today, the world needs cross-cultural understanding more than ever. Please be among the first to use our new secure donation page to help carry our work into the future. We hope you enjoy perusing the new site and look forward to hearing your feedback!


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