
Norway: Project Support to Supplement a Fulbright Award

In collaboration with Fulbright Norway, the Roth Foundation grants an award to an American Fulbrighter in Norway every year. This year, the award went to Michelle Chang.

Michelle Chang is conducting research on Norwegian mindsets about death in collaboration with the University of Bergen’s Center for Crisis Psychology to support the Center’s work with the organizations it serves. She will use the Project Support Award to conduct and then analyze information obtained from community focus groups of Norwegian adults who have experienced a recent death of a loved one.  On her return to the United States, Michelle plans to pursue a PhD in clinical psychology that focuses on inequities in bereavement experiences.  She hopes to bring the insights gained from her international experiences to provide more comprehensive language and frameworks for understanding bereavement.

For a complete list of recipients of project support for work in Norway, please consult Norwegian Project Alumni.


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